Book Review: Shit, Actually by Lindy West

Hey friends!

Long time, no blog. Today's another book review for you. Recently, I finished a book while I was waiting for an oil change and needed something else to read. Luckily, I keep all my eARCs on the Kindle app on my phone just in case. I ended up starting to read Shit, Actually by Lindy West (provided to me by NetGalley and Hachette Books in exchange for an honest review) because I know West is a really funny writer and it would brighten my day. It did. Shit, Actually comes out on October 20th.
This is an essay collection where each essay retells the plot of and reviews a movie in an extremely hilarious writing style. That's it.

Full disclosure: I have watched many less movies than I let on. I don't know why, but I always pick books over tv and tv over movies. I guess I just like my entertainment in more bite-sized chunks. I still rule at movie trivia though, because I love trivia, so I end up reading a lot of Wikipedia summaries of movie plots. I don't really care about spoilers and I just like knowing things. Therefore, this book was perfect for me. Imagine your funniest, kind of snarky friend recapping all of her favorite movies for you. That's what this book is. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea and if you haven't seen the movies and really care about spoilers, you may not want to read this. But I found it incredibly fun. I recommend this book if you love movies or just funny pop culture commentary.

I rated this book 5 stars!



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